02 November 2010


It is day 2 of CrossFit Telluride Paleo Challenge and I am hearing hemming and hawing around the gym about how long one can actually eat Paleo and if it is worth it. Science has already proved Paleo has helped many lose weight, alleviate autoimmune disorders, increase performance, and on and on, but why it is worth is to you? Why go six weeks eating this way? Why restrict yourself from the abundant cheeses, breads, sweets and libations the world tempts you with everyday?

I have asked myself these questions and because I cook for a living, I now have wedges of imported cheeses and bottles of wine and challah breads haunting my dreams. Then again, being a science nerd, studying the human body when placed under nutritional, fitness challenges, amazes me because of what a change in body can do to the mind and spirit.

So, I ask you this challengers, what is your intention? Why are you putting yourself up to this challenge? It is still early, you can jump ship, give up, go eat a bagel and wash it down with a beer. Or, you can take 6 weeks out of your food routine, set a positive intention and stick it out.

If you find yourself without an intention or think you look, feel and perform your best eating the way you have been, step out of your comfort zone and really get in touch with how your feel after what you put in your mouth and how you perform in your daily routine. Trust me, you may actually learn something about yourself!

Until then, think positive and use these next six weeks as an experiment on yourself.

Now, go kill your dinner:)

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