04 March 2010

HANGRY? Find what works for you!

(Friend Balta questioning the FlipSides!)

The link below is great because it covers all the new diets out there, including Paleo. The author puts the ups and downs very matter-of-fact and I liked it. Overall, it explains how each person is individual and requires different calories from various food groups to function properly.

As I have looked into individualizing a diet to each person, I have been reading up on an elimination style of finding out what is best for each person to eat. I am going to experiment with it for the next couple of weeks and see what exactly keeps me moving and motivated and emotionally sound and report back. If all goes well, I believe that when the CrossFit gym decides to try another challenge, it may be an "Elimination Challenge". This will keep people compliant, motivated and in it for the long haul we call life! That may mean I eat dairy and no gluten, while someone else is the opposite. You get the idea. It is so amazing how each of our bodies has a different "laboratory" that requires certain balance to maintain homeostasis, or well-being. Enjoy! And Thanks Diana Murray for giving me the heads up on this article.

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