You may be getting to the point of stagnation with what to eat in between meals. To put it simply, you should be eating meals that keep you satisfied until the next and maybe 1 snack in the middle of the day. This will prevent overeating due to all day grazing. I know that when the transition from western diet to Paleo eating happens, the hunger- coaster takes control. This should dissipate as your body adapts.
Protein is the food group that has the greatest effect on satisfying hunger and that is why it is in the category of the pyramid where you would normally see grains in the standard food pyramid. Since protein has a very high thermic effect, meaning it uses 25-30% of its provided energy, for digestion, absorption and integration within the body and carbohydrates only provide 6-8% and fat 2-3%, the result is increased metabolism. Protein also releases glucagon, an enzyme that counters insulin, especially in fat tissue where when unused, goes to rest. This increases fat metabolism and a beneficial way to increase fat loss. It is also has important nutrients that are useful in recovery from exercise, reducing cardiovascular risk and promoting muscle growth.
When too many carbohydrates are eaten, even fruits and vegetables, it releases insulin and in many cases of excess carb consumption, can release more insulin then needed for energy, storing it as fat. The body would prefer to utilize those carbohydrates before fat, since the fat stores are the last to go. With that equation, eating the right amount of carbs keeps insulin levels normal and hunger at ease.
When you feel hunger all the time it may be because you are eating too many vegetables and fruit and not enough protein and fat. Try looking at a glycemic load chart and eat vegetables and fruits that are lower on the scale (Yes, they too, contain sugar). This will keep insulin levels more balanced. Keep the starchy tubers and higher glycemic load items to post workouts. The link below allows you to type in any food and see what it registers on the glycemic load chart. Google glycemic load for a full description of its importance over the glycemic index.
Since some of us still need some snack ideas, please feel free to email or post some ideas in the comments box. I eat apple and almond butter, organic deli meats that have no nitrites etc. with carrots and gluten free mustard, jerky (low sodium), or if you are really in a hurry, Lara bars or Kind bars. Just make sure to read ingredients on any packaged food.
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