11 February 2012

WHOLE 30: Success Guide

I have officially become an affiliate to the Whole 30 Success Guide. This guide is a great resource to many people who are having a hard time jump starting the process to alleviating health issues through diet.

It is hard to let go of the things you love to eat, even if they make you feel terrible afterward. The Success Guide contains:

  • detailed shopping lists
  • recipes 
  • science behind WHY it is beneficial to cut the irritants out
  • food quality tips
  • meal planning templates
  • 7 day meal plan
  • on-the-go ideas (THIS ONE IS WORTH IT ALONE!)
  • other resources to keep you on track
If you have a hard time going cold turkey: this is for you!!

Click on the link below or on the left side of the blog to buy the downloadable guide for $39.


I have been out of whack lately and am in need of some "eating alignment", aka a swift kick back into primal land. I am going to start the success guide myself and see how it can really help. It would be hard to really push this without trying it too.

Please email or comment success and failures and once completed if you would recommend this guide to others.


Valerie said...

Hey! I wanted to start this soon as well! Just to get back into the swing of things. Did you start already?

Anonymous said...

I'm in. I figured it's never to late to re-align even at age 56. Thanks Nicole

Nuge said...

Val, Yes I am in day uno!! Lets keep each other honest. Anonymous, keep me posted on your progess, I would love to post something about your journey in the next month or so.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is your mother!!! I will keep you posted. Love