A couple of years ago I was given a mini food processor from my friend Amy, who had upgraded to the professional & large Cuisinart Food Processor. I was honored to have this mini gift in my kitchen and decided to make use of it. From pestos, to chopping nuts, this thing was great, but when it came time to make large batches of soups or sauces, it was a lengthy process.
Last Christmas, Santa Clause gave me my very first Cuisinart and I immediately had the urge to puree something in mass quantity without the motor smoking on me. I was excited to to pass down the mini processor to someone in need, so I gave it to my dear friends and CrossFit owners, the Brachles. They too loved it as much as I did, until they realized that the smoking component was not an actual feature of the mini and an upgrade was in order.
The word on the street is that they not only upgraded their processor, but even outdid mine. Feeling my inner envy of this news, I decided to make Roasted Butternut Squash Soup and let me tell you, there machine might be bigger, but mine is mightier.
I smell a Cuisinart battle coming on! Stay tuned for more stories a la Cuisinart!
See Recipe Below!
2 Medium Butternut Squashed, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 medium yellow onion, quartered
3 cloves garlic, whole
3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
Herbs/Spices you like, to taste (I used Sate spice that has a smoky, spicy flavor)
salt and pepper to taste
Organic, Low Sodium Chicken Broth (have at least 16oz on hand)
How To:
1. Place Squash, Onion, Garlic and Spices on heavy duty baking sheet
2. Either melt the Coconut Oil on stove and drizzle over squash mix, or scoop onto sheet and toss once melted in the oven.
3. Cook mix for 15-20 minutes until squash is tender (this will vary based on how big you cut the squash
4. Let cool for 20 minutes
5. Place in your Cuisinart Food Processor and while blending, begin to pour in Chicken broth until desired soup consistency. (I used about 12 oz)
6. Continue blending until soup looks creamy and smooth
Toast Pumpkin Seeds
Toasted Cashews
Fry some Sage
Chopped bacon
Pomegranate Seeds
Sliced Italian Sausage
Shredded Chicken